Final Cheque for Cancer Research UK

Final Cheque for Cancer Research UK
Dawn Harrison of Cancer Research UK receiving cheque with Team Kinglets!

Monday, 17 May 2010

Just back home in Devon following travelling to Derbyshire for the Funeral/Celebration of Life of my dear brother-in-law Jon.
Only time for one run and some walking for training in last few days but I thought it was perhaps a good idea to increase my 'fat stores' for the 4 week effort to come?

The bad news is I have lost my planned main support for the run at the last moment. My wife, Ro, had a very bad fall in the shower just before the funeral - this meant 2 days in Derby Royal hospital to repair a badly broken forearm which will prevent her driving for many weeks. Depending on support for her at home in Devon I am considering ways of still starting the run on Friday 21st May; we are very reluctant to delay or postpone the run - it is most important to keep the inertia going especially in terms of the fund-raising which is going very well so far ... It may mean me setting off from Poole harbour 'unsupported', at least initially. I may carry a bigger pack which would include a small bivvy tent in addition to the usual spare clothes, food and water for the day. Please watch this space!

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