Final Cheque for Cancer Research UK

Final Cheque for Cancer Research UK
Dawn Harrison of Cancer Research UK receiving cheque with Team Kinglets!

Sunday 13 June 2010

Now is this really MINEHEAD?

Day 24 – 12th June 2010 The final push to the end!

Started the last day climbing over sleeping campers in the woods above Lynmouth (Music Festival this weekend!) before climbing 1000 feet to top of Countisbury hill – with shouts of encouragement from team in car on the road running adjacent to the coastal footpath. Then a very lonely but beautiful stretch until the guys met me with extra drinks just below County Gate; weather was again quite warm. Paths very good so made good speed to Porlock Weir where Sam joined me again to run across Porlock bay to Bossington. That just left me with 6 miles and another 1000 foot climb to Selworthy Beacon before an easy and very pleasant run into the finish at Minehead Harbour. There I was greeted by many friends, including 2 of John and Moira’s relatives – who had travelled from Scotland and Bath as well as our good friends Richard and Sue – all the way from deepest south Somerset. Last but not least, Bideford AAC stalwarts Glen Martin and Mike Gilmore and his wife were there to join in the fun - Sam had made a banner and strung it across the SWCPA official finish sculpture! Finally a short walk across the road to the Pub! (Where else?) 630 miles completed in 23 days and 5 hours. Sam then drove Team Crumblies back to Barnstaple where David and Anne had kindly asked us all to a celebratory dinner – complete with appropriate fizzy stuff! Will do a summary blog later with the really important stuff regarding the amount raised for Cancer Research; as well as the very generous on-line donations we have 4 very full collecting boxes yet to be opened by Cancer Research UK in Barnstaple – but I suspect that we will have achieved the £3000 target – this will also mean that ‘me little legs have been shuffling along tor at least £4.75 a mile! Great stuff and so many thanks to all you guys out there in Cyberspace!


  1. Congratulations Ian, we have been following your progress. You should be very proud of yourself - made us feel very humble. It was a pleasure to meet you, well done. Geoff, Neil & Ed, SWCP @ Lamorna.

  2. Congratulations Ian. an amazing acheivement. What will you do next? Best wishes. Rosanda

  3. Well done Dad, John would have been delighted with your progress and singing all the way! "Come on Ian, what are you waiting for, we've got running to do!"


  4. Congratulations Team Crumbly! Especially to Ian! A great fund-raising result and an immense achievement to remember forever.
    Best wishes
    Sue Poole
